Opera Download

Opera jest przeglądarką Internetową z Norwegii, która zdobywa ostatnio coraz większą popularność. Jest to obecnie realny konkurent Internet Explorera i Netscape Navigatora. Niektóre z cech programu to: wbudowany czytnik grup dyskusyjnych, możliwość otwierania kilku stron jednocześnie w jednym oknie przeglądarki, obsługa polskich czcionek, CSS, Javy, JavaScript SSL (128bit), TSL i wiele innych.

Bezpieczna i stabilna
Opera jest najbezpieczniejszą przeglądarką internetową dla PC i Mac. Program spełnia także wymogi W3C Web Standards oraz zawiera blokuje wyskakujące okienka, których nie chcesz zobaczyć.

Super szybka i darmowa
Przeglądarka internetowa Opera Web jest teraz darmowa i pozwala ładować strony WWW nawet 30% szybciej niż Internet Explorer oraz o wiele szybciej niż Firefox podczas używania wielu zakładek.

Skróty i modyfikacje
W Operze można łatwo i szybko stworzyć własne skróty do wyszukiwania, używać wielu zakładek, odzyskiwać przypadkowo zamknięte strony, używać gestów myszy, wybrać jedną z wielu skórek i wiele innych.

Zmiany w Opera

User Interface * Added several improvements to the icons and skin * Added a bookmark path to autocompleted bookmarks in the address bar to better distinguish them from visited pages * Added a Help button to "Engine Init() Failed" error message on start-up to inform users about a problem Mail, News, Chat * Fixed an issue where "Mark all as read" in Opera Mail would also mark as read some mails not visible in the current view * Fixed the creation of the POP AOL/aim.com account * Fixed a problem with POP accounts where message bodies were not downloaded * Added work-arounds for problems with various POP servers * Fixed mail appearance when Opera is installed in a folder with a "#" character in its name * Fixed a problem that could occur when opening mail notification popups on a secondary monitor * Fixed a problem connecting to online.no o Note: Users experiencing problems with online.no should change their incoming server to use Plaintext authentication * Fixed a problem updating signature when switching accounts * Fixed a problem where UI would not update after unsubscribing an IMAP folder * Fixed an issue where IRC would disconnect users without informing them Display and Scripting * Fixed an issue with history navigation: an iframe with document.write is not added to history anymore * window.close() now functions after invoking a context menu - now also works in widgets * Fixed a URL encoding issue: javascript: URLs * Fixed an issue with lists not displaying correctly when text is rendering in RTL * Fixed a problem where content blocker adds a generalized block rule when using the Details button Security * Fixed a startup crash that could allow execution of arbitrary code: see our advisory * Sites can no longer change framed content on other sites: see our advisory * Fixed an issue that could allow cross-site scripting, as reported by Chris Weber of Casaba Security: details will be disclosed at a later date * Custom shortcuts no longer pass the wrong parameters to applications, as reported by Michael A. Puls II: see our advisory * Prevented insecure pages from showing incorrect security information, as reported by Lars Kleinschmidt: see our advisory * Feed links can no longer link to local files: see our advisory * Feed subscription can no longer cause the wrong page address to be displayed: see our advisory * Fixed a problem with the CRL override for certificates that do not have a CRL specified: Override was not checked o Also fixed related problems of a freeze occuring and a handshake that never completed Miscellaneous * Fixed a problem where Gmail would not load * Fixed the opening of files in external applications when disk cache is off * Fixed an issue with low quality on YouTube video previews * Embedded YouTube videos should work more often now without having to reload * Fixed RealPlayer on BBC * Fixed a small memory leak in the BitTorrent code * Fixed some translation errors Windows-specific changes * Returned the Windows shell menu to the Transfer context menu * Fixed the opening of PDF files in Acrobat Reader plug-in when the folder contains special characters * Added a "Close Tab" entry to the File menu