Ant Commander Download

W pełni konfigurowalny menedżer plików. Współpracuje z plikami takimi jak : file, zip, ftp, webdav, itd. Interfejs graficzny zależy w dużej mierze od użytkownika i jego gustu.

Zmiany w Ant Commander

· Faster online start-up of the applet by removing unneeded HTTP requests. · Faster online start-up by better compression of ant.jar and new server. · Improved error report when an error occurs at start-up. · If an error occurs at start-up, the preference file is renamed or deleted. · Added run online action. · Improved focusing of external windows. · Panels are initialized in the event dispatch thread (Works better with some L&F). · Set background of the buttons to transparent (looks better on Mac OS X) · Fixed rundll executed with Mac OS X and unix. · Fixed incorrect directory path for Mac OS X and other Unix systems. · Open a web site works on Mac OS X. · Distribution is done with an internet enabled DMG file for Mac OS X. · Online applets resizable and works on Mac OS X. · Improved toolbar of the command line panel. · Upgraded to Java 6u11 kernel.